Laura Friedrich, M.A.
Academic staff member
Educational Science with Focus on Participation of Persons with Disabilities
Member of the board
Office of Prof. Dr. Benedikt Hopmann,
Prof. Dr. Bettina Ritter,
Prof. Dr. Albrecht Rohrmann,
Prof. Dr. Johannes Schädler
Frank Liekmeier, M.A.
Academic staff member
Professor of Spatial Development and Inclusion
RheinMain University of Applied Science
Professor of the Chair of Business Informatics, esp. IT for the Aging Society, University of Siegen
Educational science with a focus on the organizational conditions of social services
Member of the board
Professor of social work with a focus on social rehabilitation and inclusion
Member of the board
Ellen Stein
Social Work Study Program Office (BISO)
Rebecca Wichelhaus, M.A.
Academic staff member